Because I can’t even

Because I can’t even
Because I can’t even
Planning a Valentine’s Day shoot with a recent divorcee isn’t easy. I’m pretty sure, f*** your Valentine’s Day and other colorful word combinations...
If I’m being honest, I’ve never actually been wild about celebrating Valentine’s Day. It probably has something to do with yet another high school...
I have always fantasized about throwing a gorgeous beach dinner party – fantasized being the keyword. As a resident of a fly-over state, I don’t get...
Oh, the goddess tables. I am a bit embarrassed to say that Jen and I designed this table MONTHS ago. It turns out launching a blog is kind of a lot...
This table design is a bit difficult to write about. It was honestly something I threw together after Liz found these gorgeous green Belmont Plates...
So, this table is not at all what I had planned, but I love it none-the-less. Jen and I are both a bit Type A, especially when it comes to...
So, you may have guessed from other posts that I’m a little bit obsessed with these Clare V. Salad Plates from Anthropologie. I know, it’s weird. I...
Jen was the leader on these Clare V. Lip Plates from Anthropologie. You might say she was a bit obsessed with them. I thought they were super cool,...
Lately, Jen has been droning on and on about doing a Chinoiserie table. Chinoiserie this, chinoiserie that. I think she just likes using big words....
So, first things first, I am not what you might call a girly girl. Sure, I get dolled up now and then, but you will more often find me in rarely...
I swear, the Goddess plates were an accident. I went into Anthropologie to grab these adorable Lip Plates that are part of a Clare V collaboration...
It’s a not-so-well-kept secret that I love chinoiserie. It’s probably because I adore Asian art and have a tiny obsession with birds showing up...
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